When people hear the word ‘detox’ they usually think of some juice cleanse. The truth is detoxing is something your body innately does, it just doesn’t do it very well anymore for some of us. And a juice cleanse isn’t going to fix detoxification function within the body. And whilst the liver is our main detox organ, our body uses a lot of different pathways to remove bacteria and toxins daily. And the most common mistake I see people make when they embark on a ‘detox’ protocol is not ensuring drainage is open first! Proper detoxing is a whole body approach which requires important foundations to be in place first. It takes the body a lot of energy to detox adequately especially if we have been chronically ill for some time. One of these foundations is mineral balance! Want to know how to get started? Grab my free guide here:


FREE Guide - How to open drainage pathways for detoxification